tandem authorization
You have been flying successfully for at least two years
as the holder of the paragliding license with the paraglider?
You have already documented 200 high-altitude flights in
flight log?
And now you also want to share the joys of flying with friends,
your partner or others?
Then you are ready to train as a tandem pilot!
First, you need to undergo a medical examination. Then you take the entrance test before an official commission, and the practical entrance test must be taken at another flight school. If you pass this, you are ready for training.
After your extensive theoretical training, you will then go to the practice slope and learn and perfect the take-off and landing techniques of tandem flying. You will then make several flights from the middle ground under the guidance of an instructor and later also the necessary high-altitude flights in order to then make further training flights independently. Once you are used to flying in pairs and have also practiced the various prescribed flight figures and descent aids, you will complete the necessary high-altitude flights with other pilots.
Finally, you pass the test with flying colors and can then go tandem flying to your heart's content with any passengers of your choice.
Theory: Extensive training in material science and take-off and landing procedures
Practice: Perfection of take-off and landing techniques, flights with an instructor from Paracenter Austria-
Crew as passenger, training of the prescribed flight figures and descent aids
Requirement: 200 documented high-altitude flights, passed entrance test at a foreign flight school, medical examination
Price tandem authorization:
€ 450.-
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